Spiritualisation Course
Spiritualisation Course

Spiritualisation Course


This one on one course is an 8 session (1-2 hours each session), aimed at teaching you how to understand your hurt and problems and how to heal from them and turn them into solutions. Also, it will teach you powerful techniques on how to shield and manage your energy, mindset, and emotions more affectively, as well as connecting with your psychic abilities (we all have them) including: channeling, light codes, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, visions, premotions, prophecy and more.

The difference between the ‘Spiritualisation’ course and my ‘1 on 1 spiritual therapy sessions‘ is that the therapy sessions are for those who need to work on their healing, and this course is for those who have healed and are ready to work on their spiritual path and abilities.

Please see below for more information.

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What this course consists of

1st Session (Detachment & Trauma): Understanding your trauma, and the family unit. Understanding how generational and transgenerational trauma works, and making it work for you. Letting go of what no longer serves. Overcoming co-dependancy, and being more independant and self reliant. Silent meditation, and creating a sacred space and time to develop yourself.

2nd Session (Energy Management/Balancing): Shielding, flowing and raising your vibration and energy levels. Bring self love and self worth into your energy and into your mind, inner divinity/energy flowing meditation.

3rd Session (Transmutation & raising your vibration): Turning negativity into positivity (transmutation), understanding your lessons and how to overcome persistent thoughts and overthinking (mindset management). Intuitive journalling, higherself channeling.

4th Session (Activate & Channel): Activativating your psychic senses. Understand how to channel other beings, and how to connect with your spirit guides. Learn how to organise psychic information so that you receive clear downloads (everything is information).

5th Session (Psychic sight ‘seeing’): Clairvoyance, light language, seeing energy in all things. Understanding signs and synchronicities, premonitions, visions and prophecy.

6th Session (Psychic knowing/hearing ‘hearing & knowing’): Understanding Telepathy, Clairaudience, Claircognisance and how to connect to it.

7th Session (Psychic feeling/touch ‘feeling & touch’): Developing Clairsentience, premotions, and psychometry (Clairtangency).

8th Session (Conscious Awareness): Understanding conscious awareness and how to turn awareness into consciousness. Understanding the universe and it’s laws, and how it affects you.

Additional information


Full Payment $788.88 ($51 discount), 2 payments of $419.99 (total $839.88)